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药直供 > 用药指导 > 猫咪的福音!AIBIRUO猫传腹441新药上市



摘要:猫咪的福音!AIBIRUO猫传腹441新药上市,AIBIRUO(Providesivir Hydrobromide)老挝上市时间:2024年9月。

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2025-01-03 12:53:45 发布

猫咪的福音!AIBIRUO猫传腹441新药上市,AIBIRUO(Providesivir Hydrobromide)老挝上市时间:2024年9月。

AIBIRUO Cat Gospel! AIBIRUO Cat Transmission Abdominal 441 New Drug Launched

Introducing NeoProdesi for FIP Treatment by AIBIRUO: Hope for Feline Infectious Peritonitis

In a breakthrough development in feline healthcare, AIBIRUO introduces a revolutionary medication—NeoProdesi, the savior against Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). FIP, notorious for its devastating impact on cats, can now be effectively treated with this cutting-edge drug, GS-441524, a potent FIPV inhibitor.

The Relief for FIP Symptoms

NeoProdesi is specially formulated to combat a range of symptoms associated with Feline Infectious Peritonitis, including loss of appetite, lethargy, fever, abdominal fluid accumulation, chest effusion, lymph node enlargement, inflammatory granulomas, neurological impairments, and uveitis. It promises remarkable therapeutic effects, alleviating the suffering caused by FIP in our beloved feline companions.

Dosage and Administration

Administer NeoProdesi based on the weight of the cat: half a tablet per kilogram (12.5mg/kg) twice daily. Administer on an empty stomach, preferably at least 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals, or as directed by a veterinarian. This groundbreaking medication was released in September 2024, produced by the Laotian XP Herbal Production Co., Ltd. It is available in two packaging variants: 25mg10 capsules and 25mg20 capsules.

Where to Purchase

For concerned cat owners seeking hope and healing for their furry friends, NeoProdesi can be purchased through the following authorized channels:

1. JD.com Flagship Store: AIBIRUO Official Overseas Pet Health Flagship Store

2. Tmall Flagship Store: AIBIRUO Official Overseas Pet Flagship Store

3. Pinduoduo Flagship Store: AIBIRUO Overseas Pet Supplies Flagship Store


NeoProdesi is strictly intended for feline use and is not suitable for human consumption.

Join us in spreading the news of this groundbreaking advancement in feline healthcare. Let's help our feline friends lead healthier and happier lives with NeoProdesi by AIBIRUO. Stay informed, stay compassionate, and let's make a difference in the lives of our furry companions!

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2025-01-03 12:53:45 更新


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